More and more people are having to get a part time job. For some inflation is the reason and for others additions to the family mean the need for extra income is crucial. The question then is do you go for a $6 an hour job at a fast food place or do you look for opportunities to work from home and have time with your kids. The internet has opened up a whole new world where parents can actually stay at home and work and still have time to care for their kids.
Many work from home jobs allow you to work your own hours. And many internet based businesses allow you to be your own boss. But it isn't as easy as many sites make out. Building a solid income from home takes time, patience and perseverance.
Work from home jobs and businesses are becoming more and more prevalent. And online businesses are on the rise. Every day more and more men and women decide to create their own work at home business. The problem is that 90% of these businesses fail. And the reason that they fail is that most online business opportunities have fantastic sales letters that promise the world but only offer outdated methods of making money.
Here is a short list of absolute musts for building a profitable online business.
If you want to truly own and run your own internet cash machine, you must treat it like a real business. Decide on one online venture, create a marketing plan, set a budget and stick to it. If you do just this you will be ahead of 90 percent of the population.
1) Pick an opportunity and product line that actually makes sense to you. Choose something that actually helps others. Remember people go online to find information not to buy. Help them solve a problem and the rest will follow.
2) If they have a set marketing plan, follow it to the letter. They have probably done all the research and tested which ads pulled so there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Don't prove how "smart" you are. The most profitable online marketers are ones who know how to find a proven system and use it daily.
3) Dedicate a specific time each day to market your products. This includes writing and submitting articles, writing in your blog, social networking, press releases and more. Choose four marketing tools and use them consistently.
4) Determine a pre-set percentage of your profits that will be used for advertising expenses.
5) Delegate a portion of this work to others and devote yourself to your main job - marketing your product and creating new products.
6) Set a timer and plan a specific amount of time to work on each task. Do not answer the phones, check emails or check your sales while you accomplish these short term goals.
7) Talk to your accountant about whether an S, C or LLC is appropriate. You want to make sure that you get to keep as much of your profits as possible. Also ask what expenses are deductible. You can deduct part of your home as a home office, as well as many of your supplies and even some travel expenses. Part of your profits come from money that you generate and the rest comes from what you are able to save. So be diligent.
8) Also set time to relax and kick back. In order to keep your business fun and to maintain your passion, you must strike a balance between work and play. Working from home can be lonely if you do not plan to include social time into your week.
Make a definite intention to treat this not like a part time job but as a true full time business. Have set hours when you work at home. Forget the work from home in your pajamas mentality. Getting dressed puts you in a more business like mentality. When you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night have an intention of what you wish to accomplish. Develop a passion for your products and pass that enthusiasm on to your customers
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