BIZARRE was registered as a Private Limited Company, incorporated as per Indian Companies Act, 1956 on 02.11.2007. It started functioning on first january, 2008. BIZARRE was uplifted to the status of a public Limited Company, renamed as BIZARRE Global Marketing Systems Ltd. on 14th 2008.

BIZARRE Business Corporation Limited (BBC) which is a subsidiary of Bizarre Group Of Companies started its operation on 8th April 2009, issuing shares to the public for the promotion of super markets all over the world. Director board of BIZARRE has been enriched with the personalities who have experience in different fields of business.
BIZARRE is a lifestyle that creates a man
Bold, Intelligent, Zealous, Ambitious, Responsible, Rich and Efficient
Our guiding principles of honestey, integrity and smart work will help to build strong associations, which have resulted in the prosperity of every associate as well as in the exponential growth of the group itself.
Our infrastructure includes modern systems and a dedicated team of professionals with over a decade of experience in business of software development, marketing, investigative journalism and training .M/S. BIZARRE has been leading a team to initiate, inspire and implement a vibrant business in the field.
BIZARRE is a young, dynamic, technology driven organaisation working in a healthy and competitive environment to contribute creatively to the very existence of the society. We believe in developing fast online business solutions and nurturing long term relationship. BIZARRE has always believed in the power of trade and its contribution to the successes of the group.


With the intention of being the best company in the business world with the public participation, BIZARRE desires to start thousands of supermarkets throughout the therby creating permenent customers when its shops are being inaugurated one by one its own premises.


BIZARRE , the effulgence of innovative business ideas, has been providing the best products and service to the socially committed people to enable them to have financial freedom in order to carry the novel ideas and build trust among the public. The committed Bizarrians have made BIZARRE a revolution.

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